Why i do what i do

One of my strongest and happiest childhood memories is time spent in my Granny’s kitchen. Growing up in rural Australia, farming communities were small and close knit.

My Granny’s farmhouse kitchen had a wood stove and very large canisters (5 gallons each) for salt and sugar. She would make passionfruit ice blocks for us for our Sunday visits. All meals were prepared from scratch using ingredients grown on the farm. Roast chicken dinners literally meant selecting a volunteer from the free range hens. Cream was obtained via the separator in the dairy. Every memory I have of my Granny includes her kitchen apron.

These early childhood memories have remained a powerful influence and which later in life enabled me to combine my engineering skills, creativity, and passion for the kitchen space, to create and build our business. Komodo, and our brand Zomodo, are a memorial to my Granny and her influence on my childhood.

Our passion is to design, develop, and manufacture products for beautiful kitchens.

Ross Duffy – Founder & C.E.O.